OMUNKY News Blog — behind the scenes

Hope You're Prepared - Winter is Coming

Things are going to get pretty exciting at the end of the week, and we're not talking turkeys.

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The Last Show of the Season

Yesterday was the last street fair for OMUNKY in 2013. That's weird to type. It's weird sitting here knowing that I don't have to get things ready for a show next weekend. I've gotten so used to the hustle and bustle that it seems strange that it just ends. So sad.... This was a great year for OMUNKY. I act like it's over when it isn't. I'm very excited for the holiday months. I met so many great people at these street fairs who I know are looking forward to giving OMUNKY gifts in December. I wish I could be...

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iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S4

Which is better.... for you? I'm sure some of you are confused. You're probably wondering why a t-shirt site like OMUNKY would even post an article such as this. As a small business owner, I spend a lot of my time using my smartphone to check emails, post status updates, and take photos. I also use my smartphone at street fairs to process credit card payments. I want a phone that can do all those things and more when I need it to. I decided to write this article to help other business owners pick the phone that is right...

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The 39th Annual Atlantic Antic - Recap

This year was the first time I had the pleasure of attending The Atlantic Antic. Yesterday was an experience I will take with me for the rest of my life. To see so many people commenting, buying, laughing, smiling, and taking pictures of my wares makes me feel more amazing than ever! I approached The Atlantic Antic optimistically, but nothing could have prepared me for how it actually was. What an amazing time! For those of you who made it out (and by the looks of it, everyone did) thanks so much for making my day. I will try my...

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