OMUNKY News Blog — behind the scenes

It's Raining Outside...

Wow, really? It is!? Tell me more oh wise MUNKY! Ok, settle down. I chose that as a title for this post because, for some reason, while staring out my window, I thought, "I should proably update my blog". It has been a while, indeed. I apologize for the lack of posts. I've been doing this OMUNKY thing for a while now, and I find this time of year to be probably one of my least favorite. It's cold outside and I sell t-shirts. Hmmmm. This was never meant to work out. One day I may start catering to your...

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Fair Lawn Street Fair Recap

I wasn't too thrilled with the turnout last year when I attended street fairs in NJ. It just seemed like, compared to places like Pelham and Nyack, NJ was a bit lacking. As a fan of second chances, I thought I would give my neighboring state another try. I spent the night before last constantly checking the weather forecasts for Fair Lawn. My show a week ago, in Suffern, got rained out. I did not want to deal with that again, especially since I would be doing the Fair Lawn show all by myself.  Overall, the show was decent. The...

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Nyack's Famous Street Fair Recap

Yesterday's Nyack, NY street fair couldn't have been on a more beautiful day. Just a little bit of wind to keep the air slightly cool, lots of sunlight, and wonderful people to chat it up with. Here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure. Make sure to check out OMUNKY's upcoming shows page to see where I'll be next!

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Suffern Street Fair - Super Windy!

Looks like I'm going to have to invest in some type of tent-grips. That or even more weights! I felt like I was on a cruise ship yesterday. My tent was basically a sail whose job it was to move the "Island of Suffern" around the Atlanic Ocean. Wow! So I threw a video up for you guys to get an idea of how crazy it was. That's my brother, Sam, trying his best not to blow away. In the end, the tent held strong, we didn't lose any products, and we left Suffern unscathed. But, sheesh, can we turn...

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