OMUNKY News Blog — Black Friday

OMUNKY Black Friday Weekend Sale

It's that special time of the year. After stuffing our faces with delicious food, and catching up with long lost relatives, we're now expected to put on our shopping armor and hunt for the elusive deals and savings that await us at our local mall or big box store. This is every person for themselves people! There are HDTVs and video game systems out there that need to be in your shopping cart! Is there an old lady between you and that which you desire? You know what to do.... Or, you could stay home, recover from your food coma,...

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Black Friday Weekend Sale

Shop small this holiday weekend. Rather than overwhelm you with Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday sales, I'm just going to throw them all in the same lot. I mean let's be real here; they're all the same when you think about it. They are me trying to give you guys a break this holiday season. Well, I've done just that. Check out my Black Friday Clearance Page for awesome savings on some even more awesome items. NO COUPON CODE NECESSARY!

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Polar Summer Series Pre-order

Let's bring a little summertime fun to the colder months! How many of you would trade in snow boots and scarves for sandals and sunglasses, honestly? Aside from some pretty cool holidays, things like hot cocoa, and perhaps apple cider, I could do without the colder months being so long. That's how this series came to be. I wanted to bring a little summer to winter! Starting now, you can pre-order one of my Polar Summer Series Shirts at a heavily discounted price. You also get more sizing options than I would normally stock. There you have it. Head on...

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Hope You're Prepared - Winter is Coming

Things are going to get pretty exciting at the end of the week, and we're not talking turkeys.

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