OMUNKY News Blog — savings

Don't Ruin Xmas

Order by 3pm EST on 12/20 and watch me run to the Post Office! Ok, quit freaking out. You're not a bad parent/brother/sister/wife/husband/cellmate. You just haven't had time to get them that perfect gift. You've been busy! Those Netflix shows aren't going to binge-watch themselves!Raise your right hand in the air (like you just don't care). I want you to imagine I just walked by and gave you the ultimate high-five. You're feeling it, I'm feeling it. We may have become best friends.The point I'm trying to make here is, I've got your back! I've said it a million times, and...

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Free Priority Shipping!

Wow, it's almost Christmas? Already?? That was fast! Where did this year go? Sheesh! Ok, so you've still got some time to get yourself (or someone you love so so much) some sweet OMUNKY tees. Here's what's going down: From now thru 12/20, no matter what you buy, I am giving you FREE SHIPPING! The coupon code is: HappyHolidays (one word) If you spend more than $10, I will bump that shipping up to USPS Priority, so you will get it in time for Xmas If you spend less than $10 (which is actually kind of hard to do when...

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OMUNKY Black Friday Weekend Sale

It's that special time of the year. After stuffing our faces with delicious food, and catching up with long lost relatives, we're now expected to put on our shopping armor and hunt for the elusive deals and savings that await us at our local mall or big box store. This is every person for themselves people! There are HDTVs and video game systems out there that need to be in your shopping cart! Is there an old lady between you and that which you desire? You know what to do.... Or, you could stay home, recover from your food coma,...

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10 Dollar Tees

The holidays are fast approaching. That means it's time to start getting gift ideas together. Do your kids deserve that video game console they've been subtly hinting at all year? Are you going to get your husband or wife that sweet <insert desirable gift here> they've been begging for since <insert date of last gift you got them that didn't go over as well as you'd hoped for>?As I've said a million times before, OMUNKY's got your back. You're on your own with those expensive purchases. But, nothing says I love you like a t-shirt that is totally worth $24 dollars...

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