The Start of the Holiday Shopping Season

 Here it is, guys! It has begun!!! The holidays are fast approaching and it's time to get those special gifts for those special people in your lives. Here is a rundown of what to expect this weekend from OMUNKY.

Black Friday - 11/23

Black Friday is the start of the holiday shopping season. It's a huge event for both online and offline stores, and is the perfect time to score some amazing deals on gifts for friends and family.

Save a whopping 25% at OMUNKY on 11/23 by entering coupon code: BlackFriday. This coupon is good for only one day! That's 12AM EST to 11:59PM EST So hurry up and make your purchases!

Small Business Saturday - 11/24

Small Business Saturday is a relatively new holiday that takes place the day after Black Friday. It is designed to encourage you to explore the world of small, local businesses as an alternative to the big-box stores.

As a small business, OMUNKY has decided to take part in this event. Enter coupon code: ShopSmall and you'll get 20% off your order for the entire day.

If you would like more information about Small Business Saturday, including a map guiding you to local stores that are participating, visit Shop Small.


Cyber Monday - 11/26

The last day of this crazy weekend sale takes place on a Monday! Cyber Monday is the online equivalent of Black Friday. Are you noticing a pattern here? OMUNKY doesn't care what day it is. Let's just have a sale!

For one day only, take 18% off your order by entering code: CyberMonday at checkout!

Win an OMUNKY Gift Certificate!

What? You thought that was it? Just some sweet savings and you can be on your merry way? Nuh uh!

This is the best part of the whole weekend sale! Here's how it works:

  • Spend over $10 this weekend and you will automatically be entered to win a $10 OMUNKY gift certificate.
  • Spend over $25 and become eligible to win the $25 gift certificate.
  • Spend over $50 worth of OMUNKY gear and you could win a $50 gift certificate
You don't have to do anything else! Just buy some sweet wildlife wares for you friends and family. I mean, you were going to do that anyway, right?

Facebook and Twitter

There are even more chances to win some sweet OMUNKY gear. Utilize your social networking abilities on both Facebook and Twitter for a chance to win. Here's how it works:


  • Like any of OMUNKY's holiday weekend FB posts and you'll automatically be entered to win a $10 Gift Certificate.
  • Comment on any of OMUNKY's FB posts and you get a chance to win a $25 Gift Certificate
  • Share an OMUNKY FB post with your friends/followers and you will be in the running to win a $50 Gift Certificate. Make sure to change your post settings to public, otherwise I won't see it.

Facebook users: If it's not public I can't see it. Don't waste a share or a comment by not checking your privacy settings.


  • Retweet or reply to any of OMUNKY's Twitter updates and automatically be entered to win a $10 Gift Certificate. Make sure to use hashtag #omunky.
  • Share this contest with your followers and automatically be entered to win a $25 Gift Certificate. Make sure to mention @OMUNKY and use hashtags #omunky, #shopindie, as well as #shopsmall (on Saturday only).
  • Do all those things above a bunch of times throughout the weekend and you may win a $50 Gift Certificate. Sharing is caring!

Twitter users: Please make sure to mention @OMUNKY and use hashtags: #omunky #shopindie, and on Satuday, #shopsmall.


Are you impressed yet? I fully expect this holiday season to be amazing for both you guys and OMUNKY. I can't wait to see how many of you take advantage of these sweet savings and contests. Thanks again for your continued support.

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