T-shirt Blogger Appreciation Day

Over the years, OMUNKY has had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know some fine individuals. Way up at the top of the list are the t-shirt bloggers, who have played a huge part in the growth and developement of the OMUNKY brand. It is through them that I have learned which of my designs are decent, how soft my prints are, and, overall, how good my shirts stand up to the competition. 

I wanted to take this time to thank some of my favorite bloggers. So I have compiled a short list of the top t-shirt blogs (in my opinion). 


Hide Your Arms

Andy over at HYA is honest. That is what I love about him and his wonderfully put together site. I will be the first to admit that not all of my designs are super awesome. Some have lacked that certain something, and this is were HYA comes in. I know that if Andy likes what I'm doing then I'm on to something. This post right here is a perfect example of how Andy treats me (honestly).

If any newer bloggers can take anything away from this, it's to just be honest! I'm not paying you to spew written gold. You're not expected to have a biased opinion of my work. If I wanted to be unfairly praised, I would call up my mom.



IATT was the first t-shirt blog I really enjoyed reading. There was just a lot of things to take in for a new t-shirt brand, such as myself. There were great articles, videos, even weekly t-shirt reviews, using chatrooms (like Ustream and Justin.tv). It was a lot of fun.

Lately, Adam has become a busy guy, with like 18 different jobs. As a result, IATT has sort of simmered down. You can still expect to find some stellar articles on the site, but no more monday night tee reviews. Oh well, check out this nice OMUNKY write-up


Tee Magnet

Tee Magnet isn't really a shirt blog. MJ specializes in infoming the masses of the sweetest daily tees that are currently available. Even so, I know that when OMUNKY makes it onto the "Shirt Watch" section of the site, it's about to get pretty busy over at the shop.


The Tee Gazette

Kelly and Jared both run this newer blog. Of all the tee bloggers on this list, I know I can count on them to mention my brand whenever I have something important to say. They are producing some pretty solid write ups over on the site, so if I were you I would pay very close attention. I think these guys will move up the ranks very soon. Here's a nice post regarding OMUNKY's new spring prints.

I have told these guys several times how much I appreciate what they are doing. I look forward to their continued support throughout the indefinite future. Have you hugged your local t-blogger lately?

Anyways, show your support for these people by liking/sharing/tweeting/commenting on this post. Who knows, maybe we can make this day an official holiday ;)

Oh, and if you are a t-shirt blogger looking to write about the latest OMUNKY News, click here.

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